Monday, November 24, 2008

DYG Sunday and the Ride Home

On Sunday, our speaker was on fire. Saved by Grace. Made to be an example to others. We may be the only Jesus that anyone may see. We don't follow the rules, we follow Jesus. A couple of killer stories. Tears.

New car assignments for the ride home. The carnivores stopped at In N Out burger. Six bathroom stops. Home.

Observations and Memories from the ride home:

1. Kelly K. has interesting IPod music.
2. Boys are pigs.
3. Garrett G. can sing very well.
4. John and Alec are getting along like long lost friends.
5. Dodge trucks go fast.
6. Coed riding arrangement have a much different vibe.
7. The conference shirts could walk home by themselves.
8. Laughter is contagious.
9. Our church and our faith is in good hands.
10. The girls of FCLC are tough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't get the girls of FCLC are tough. Does that have anything to do with the fact that kelly and i almost peed in our pants?