Monday, November 24, 2008

Welcome to John and Jessica

Welcome to John and Jessica to the FCLC youth team. Great role models of what cool Christians are like.

If you have not met them, please introduce yourself.

DYG Sunday and the Ride Home

On Sunday, our speaker was on fire. Saved by Grace. Made to be an example to others. We may be the only Jesus that anyone may see. We don't follow the rules, we follow Jesus. A couple of killer stories. Tears.

New car assignments for the ride home. The carnivores stopped at In N Out burger. Six bathroom stops. Home.

Observations and Memories from the ride home:

1. Kelly K. has interesting IPod music.
2. Boys are pigs.
3. Garrett G. can sing very well.
4. John and Alec are getting along like long lost friends.
5. Dodge trucks go fast.
6. Coed riding arrangement have a much different vibe.
7. The conference shirts could walk home by themselves.
8. Laughter is contagious.
9. Our church and our faith is in good hands.
10. The girls of FCLC are tough.

DYG-The Night of Day 2

No words will adequately describe Saturday night. We ate at a very nice Italian restaurant in family style. Great fun and fellowship.

Saturday night also marked a communion service done in a pavilion tent. All acoustic. Lights low. Powerful message.

Extra fellowship time followed with both the participants and adults enjoying each other's company.

Other notes and memories from day one:

1. Everyone likes each other.
2. Our people are not afraid of hard work.
3. Matt S. ordering a Hot Pocket at the fancy Italian place.
4. The mom ranking and Nathan Z. Joan gets street cred.
5. Jessica gains massive street cred with the dance off challenge.
6. Lizzy L. is a maniac with any competitive event.
7. Curfews are for losers.
8. The poor people trying to have an anniversary party at the hotel.
9. The triangle.
10. Spiritual growth is seen in inches.

DYG Day 2-The Daylight Hours

On day 2, DYG became much more personal and real. We worshiped together in the morning. Left for an amazing service project at lunch time and worshiped again in the evening. So much happened, we need to break the day in half to report everything that happened.

Breakfast together in one of the hotel rooms was followed by our first session led by The Anthony Celia Band and our awesome speaker, Travis Hartjen. To learn more about both of them, you can visit and view a copy of their biographies.
At lunchtime, we traveled together to our service project and ate pizza provided by Thrivent Financial and began our work at Second Harvest Food Bank. We repacked boxes and crates of donated food for three hours and were pretty moved by their organization. Hard work, good fun and "void" stickers.

DYG-The Drive and Night One

Faith Community sent 13 participants and 5 chaperons to the 2008 District Youth Gathering in San Diego. Our spirited and spirit filled group had a great drive over and on Friday night, we received our schedules, tee shirts and for the first time, saw our theme for the weekend.

One. One faith. One community. One church.

Our bible verse theme is “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God the Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6

Other notes and memories from day one:

1. Pastor Craig and the mouse.
2. Leaving at 3:15pm really means leaving at 4:00pm.
3. Journey songs can be overdone.
4. Four boys in a room is three too many.
5. Starbucks closed at 9:00pm.
6. New chaperons are fresh meat.
7. Curfew at 11:00pm really means curfew at 12:30am.
8. Surrendering control of the truck stereo was a bad idea.
9. Lutherans rock and get it right most of the time.
10. Sue Zieg did a lot of work to get this pulled off.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Coutdown to DYG

18 committed youth and their chaperons leave tomorrow afternoon for District Youth Gathering in San Diego.

We will be posting comments and pictures from the event on this blog so check back often.

Pray for our safe travel, open hearts, joyous spirit and fun.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Senior High Youth Unveils New Logo Design

The senior high school youth group, XJL has adopted a new logo design. Please look for this logo on coming annoncements and communication.